Introducing new prizes in PTZ PLACE! We want you to choose what you want to do this summer so we've added gift cards from Ticketmaster, Southwest Airlines, Best Buy, Pottery Barn and many more.
Here's what some of our members had to say about redeeming the new prizes:
Jean Pierre writes: "$25 Ticketmaster! Now I can go watch wwe:)"
Antonio: "Thanks Lockerz for the $100 dollar gift card for Best Buy."
Natasha: "$25 to Chili's...2 for 1 drinks here I come!"
Mike: "Thanks for the $100 to Southwest Airlines."
Jean Pierre: "I got a $25 Ticketmaster gift card in the Early Bird Redemption. YAYY! Now I can go see John Cena in August."
Don't miss out - you could get your own prize just by spending $1.79 or more in SHOP by July 18th at 11.59 p.m. EDT.